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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/08/21 John 7:37-52 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_7_37_52.mp3 John_7_Bible_Study_Notes-1639339611.pdf
12/05/21 Give Thanks: PT 2 John Pollard Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Give_Thanks_PT_2_Sermon_Notes.pdf Give_Thanks_PT_2.mp3
12/05/21 John 7:25-36 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_7_Bible_Study_Notes-1638734615.pdf John_7_25_36.mp3
12/01/21 John 7:1-24 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_7_Bible_Study_Notes.pdf John_7_1_24.mp3
11/28/21 Give Thanks: PT 1 John Pollard Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Give_Thanks_PT_1_Sermon_Notes.pdf Give_Thanks_PT_1.mp3
11/28/21 John 6:49-71 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_6_Bible_Study_Notes-1638136351.pdf John_6_49_71.mp3
11/24/21 John 6:16-48 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_6_16_48.mp3 John_6_Bible_Study_Notes-1638136021.pdf
11/21/21 John 6:1-15 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_6_Bible_Study_Notes.pdf John_6_1_15.mp3
11/17/21 John 5:21-47 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_5_Bible_Study_Notes-1637266720.pdf John_5_21_47.mp3
11/14/21 A Man After God's Own Heart John Pollard Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship A_Man_After_Gods_Own_Heart_Sermon_Notes.pdf A_Man_After_Gods_Own_Heart.mp3
11/14/21 John 5:9-23 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_5_9_23.mp3 John_5_Bible_Study_Notes-1636919964.pdf
11/10/21 Principalities and Powers Gabe Chaves Gospel Meeting N/A Wed PM Principalities__Powers.mp3
11/09/21 Why We Fail Gabe Chaves Gospel Meeting N/A Tues PM Why_We_Fail.mp3
11/08/21 Peter's Progress Gabe Chaves Gospel Meeting N/A Mon PM Peters_Progress.mp3
11/07/21 He Must Increase Gabe Chaves Gospel Meeting N/A Sunday Bible Study He_Must_Increase.mp3
11/07/21 Live Not By Lies Gabe Chaves Gospel Meeting N/A Sunday AM Worship Live_Not_By_Lies.mp3
11/03/21 John 4:46-5:9a John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_4_Bible_Study_Notes.pdf John_5_Bible_Study_Notes.pdf John_4_46_5_9_a.mp3
10/27/21 John 4:27-45 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_4_Bible_Study_Notes-1635427472.pdf John_4_27_45.mp3
10/24/21 Is Christianity Intolerant? John Pollard Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Is_Christianity_Intolerant_Sermon_Notes.pdf Is_Christianity_Intolerant.mp3
10/24/21 John 4:19-26 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_4_Bible_Study_Notes-1635101564.pdf John_4_19_26.mp3
10/20/21 John 4:5-19 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_4_5-19.mp3 John_4_Bible_Study_Notes-1634957446.pdf
10/17/21 John 3:31-4:5 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_3_31-4_5.mp3 John_4_Bible_Study_Notes.pdf John_3_Bible_Study_Notes-1634957206.pdf
10/13/21 John 3:16-30 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Wednesday Bible Study John_3_Bible_Study_Notes-1634220713.pdf John_3_16-30.mp3
10/10/21 The Characteristics of Love: PT 5 John Pollard Sermon Defining Love Sunday AM Worship The_Characteristics_of_Love_PT_5_Sermon_Notes.pdf The_Characteristics_of_Love_PT_5.mp3
10/10/21 John 3:6-15 John Pollard Bible Class The Gospel of John Sunday Bible Study John_3_Bible_Study_Notes-1633898847.pdf John_3_6-15.mp3

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